Invoice Deadline Extensions
Applicants and service providers can request an extension of the deadline to file an invoice. Each Funding Request Number (FRN) is entitled to a one-time automatic 120-day invoice deadline extension. You should request an extension if there is a possibility you will not file the invoice by the invoice deadline.
Deadline to Request an Extension
Regardless of the invoicing method, an invoice deadline extension request must be submitted on or before the invoice deadline. The deadline is whichever of the following is later:
- 120 days after the last day to receive service
- 120 days after the FCC Form 486 Notification Letter date.
If you need an invoice deadline extension, but the deadline to request one has passed, you must first submit a waiver request to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC must grant your waiver request before USAC can extend the invoice deadline.
For applicants who have submitted a post-commitment request such as a service substitution, SPIN change request, or appeal and USAC has not yet issued a Revised Funding Commitment Decision Letter (RFCDL):
- The applicant or service provider should submit an invoice deadline extension request if the invoice deadline is approaching.
- If an FRN is partially committed, applicants and service providers should submit invoices for the committed portion of the FRN that is not affected by the post-commitment request.
How to file Invoice Deadline Extension Requests for Funding Year (FY) 2016 Onward
Invoice deadline extension requests for FRNs from FY2016 onward must be filed in the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC). To request an extension in EPC, you must have full or partial rights to Invoicing.
- Applicants:
- The requestor must be a full- or partial-rights user on the EPC profile of the billed entity that filed the FCC Form 471 (the form that featured the Billed Entity Number (BEN) of the billed entity).
- Applicants are limited to requests for that BEN but can include FRNs from multiple funding years and/or FCC Forms 471 in a single request.
- Consultants:
- The requestor must be a full- or partial-rights user on the EPC profile of the BEN featured on the FCC Form 471.
- A consultant can file a single request for FRNs from multiple funding years and/or multiple clients.
- Service providers:
- The requestor must be a full- or partial-rights user on the EPC profile for the Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) featured on the FRNs.
- A service provider can file a single request for FRNs from multiple funding years and/or multiple BENs.
To file an Invoice Deadline Extension request, users must first log in to One Portal to access EPC:
- Applicants:
- From your EPC landing page, choose the Records tab and search for your billed entity. Select Related Actions from the top menu, and click the Invoice Deadline Date Extension Request link. (You can also access the billed entity record from the landing page by clicking the billed entity name in the Welcome message or on the first line of the list of entities.)
- Consultants:
- From your EPC landing page, choose the Actions tab and click the Invoice Deadline Date Extension Request link.
- Service providers:
- From your EPC landing page, choose the Records tab and search for your SPIN. Then, select Related Actions from the top menu, and click the Invoice Deadline Date Extension Request link.
From this point, all users follow the same process :
- Enter the FRNs that you want to extend in the open text field and click the Check Eligibility button. (FRNs must be separated by commas; the system ignores spaces).
The system splits the FRNs you have entered into two tables. The first table contains FRNs that are eligible for an extension.
- If there are any FRNs on this table you want to remove, check the box to the left of the FRN and click the Remove button.
The second table contains FRNs for which you cannot submit an extension request and the reasons why (e.g., the FRN does not exist in EPC or the FRN does not belong to your organization).
- Click the Submit button. The system returns the eligible FRNs in two tables.
The first table includes FRNs with approved extensions. The extended invoice deadline dates will appear after the original invoice deadline dates.
The second table contains FRNs that were not approved for extension, together with the reason for the denial (e.g., an extension has already been approved). (Note that the table of FRNs originally marked as ineligible is repeated below the first two tables for reference).
Invoice Deadline Extension Request Submission Notification
The requestor will receive an email containing:
- The FRNs with approved extensions, their original invoice deadline dates, followed by their extended invoice deadlines dates.
- FRNs that were not approved for extension and the reasons why.
A news post is created for both the BEN(s) and the SPIN(s) associated with the FRNs on the list. Also, the landing page for each BEN and SPIN contains a notification of the decision for each FRN in the Notifications section.
How to File Invoice Deadline Extension Requests for FY2015 and Earlier
Invoice deadline extension requests for FRNs from FY2015 and previous funding years must be filed through the E-Rate Customer Service Center (CSC).
To request an extension, applicants must:
- Log in to One Portal to access the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
- From My Landing Page, click Contact Us.
- Complete the required fields, including the topic and the description fields, and attach any relevant materials.
- Click Submit to route the case to USAC.
Service providers accessing the tool must:
- Log in to One Portal to access the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
- From My Landing Page, click Actions at the top of the screen.
- Click the Contact Us button.
- Complete the required fields including the topic and the description fields, and attach any relevant materials.
- Click Submit to route the case to the E-Rate Customer Service Center (CSC).
Why Might an Invoice Deadline Extension Request be Denied?
Invoice deadline extension requests can be denied for the following reasons:
- The entire commitment on the FRN has already been paid.
- An invoice deadline extension request was already requested and approved.
- For example, your service provider may have submitted a request, or you or someone in your organization may have previously submitted a request. You can check the FRN Extension Table to determine if the invoice deadline was extended.
- USAC has not yet made a commitment on the FRN.
- The FRN was denied.
- The FRN is not associated with your login credentials. In this case, please resubmit the request with the correct information.
- The request was made after the last date to invoice.
For questions related to invoices filed within or before Funding Year 2015 (FY15), please contact the E-Rate Customer Service Center (CSC) by creating a case in EPC or by calling (888) 203-8100, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.